The (Mis) Adventures of Life as We Know It

The (mis)adventures of a college student and her crazy family and friends.

Not the “About the Author” May 16, 2010

Filed under: Great Day — sunnylunatic @ 2:38 am
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Okay guys, remember how I was going to take this post to let you know a little about me? I WAS gonna do that….until I had this awesome day which I wanted to share.

“What was so awesome about it?” Well thanks for asking.

I attended my friend Kat’s 18th birthday party. I made her a jar of faerie dust. (I’m queene of the faeries in case you guys are wondering where I got the faerie dust. For those of you who are wondering how it is I became queene of the faeries (also spelled queen of the fairies), you’ll either have to ask and hope for a response, or wait until I explain it to you.) Anywho, I helped set up, sang while hanging streamers, and got to use a shiny, sharp, fun knife to cut veggies. We talked and laughed a lot, played apples to apples, ate pizza, then headed outside.

Outside we threw a bunch of frisbees around, laid in the grass and stared at the sky (and got waaaaay too excited over seeing planes in the sky), and I fenced with sticks with another of Kat’s friends, Katie. I’ve fenced once before other than this (with foils) and I stank then, but today I got in a few hits. Of course, it was with sticks and I’m unable to move in a straight line on a hill, so I probably brokeĀ  the rules, but the point was all the fresh air and the running about and the clear sky released a sort of euphoria and I was just so HAPPY to be there and to be playing around like I was 8 instead of 18. I even got scratched from the fencing several times and one drew blood. Instead of being worried, I was delighted that I had fenced and ‘drawn blood’. Yeah, technically Katie drew blood, but that isn’t the point, is it?

Cake, ice cream, present-opening followed, but that freedom of running around barefoot in the grass playing catch and laughing at random jokes and playing apples-to-apples just brought on an almost giddy feeling that I haven’t had recently. Yeah, I have joyful moments, but this was just a great day. And as I drove my friend home, we saw the crescent moon, a soft golden yellow in the sky. You could barely see the outline of the rest of the moon against the night and the stars were so bright that they seemed closer than usual. It was a fabulous day, a fabulous night.

Random note, as I was walking to my house with the friend I was driving, this group of guys were riding their bikes and skateboarding by and mocking us, because we were talking and laughing. So I asked them if they had anything better to do and my friend yelled, “freaks!” after we had turned the corner. I laughed almost the rest of the way home.

Okay, well I dunno what you all classify as “adventures,” but today was awesome. And maybe next time, I’ll start talking about me. I’ve never done a blog before, so I’m not sure what it is people are here to read. Oooh, maybe I should make a poll….yeah….maybe that’ll be my next blog-related project.

Okay, so next time I think I’ll try a list of fun facts about me or something. Or maybe I can start each post with a fun fact…that’d be fun. Who knows? (…not me…)

Until then!



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