The (Mis) Adventures of Life as We Know It

The (mis)adventures of a college student and her crazy family and friends.

First Request of Help August 10, 2010

Filed under: Adventure,Book,Confusion — sunnylunatic @ 11:27 pm
Tags: , , , , , ,

Okay, so I’m dilligently working on my story like a good little writer when I come up with a crisis–I have a question that Google couldn’t provide me an answer for. (I know. It’s minorly terrifying.)

And it’s not like I’m gonna ask Yahoo! Has no one heard of the Google v. Yahoo war? Google ALWAYS wins. Yahoo, give up now. You’re just being humiliated.

So here’s my question, readers. (If you were born pre-1960s, you may know this better than us wee lads and lassies.)

Was there a model in the 1960s of any Airstream trailer (the silver ones that look like big shiny bullets) that had 2 beds? (ORIGINAL FITTINGS ONLY. NO REMODELS.)

Follow-up question: If such a trailer was put into use, would it be compatible with the modern hook-ups at campgrounds? Or would it have to be adapted to the new systems?

Any additional information about Airstream trailers (1960s models ONLY) would be much appreciated. Glitches and little problems with it are good, but anything works. And if you get technical, please ensure you have a standard-English translation.

