The (Mis) Adventures of Life as We Know It

The (mis)adventures of a college student and her crazy family and friends.

Ohmygosh a NOVEL? July 30, 2010

So…the awkward silence could quickly get dull…therefore I propse we move along with the blog post. All in agreeance? Of course you are. And if you’d rather I stop right now, BEAT IT and go find another blog to harass. If you didn’t want to read it, why’d you pull up the page you dummy?

A very good afternoon to you all, (or morning or evening, depending on your time zone and when you read this.) I hope you’ve been well since my last post? Great. (Or ‘sorry man, that sucks.’)

Since we parted I have continued my work on the possibly-a-novel that I’m working on. And I was laying in bed last night (because I couldn’t fall asleep because we didn’t have any nighttime cold medicine, which I needed because I somehow managed to contract a cold in the summer) and my brain provided me with plot bits. And not to jinx it or anything, but this is the farthest I’ve gotten on a novel since freshman year, when I finished my second novella. (It was terrible, like the first, and it’s gotta be called a novella because it was about 100 handwritten pages, and with my handwriting, that makes 50 typed pages, give or take. So it was more of a really long ‘short story’. But I called it a novel because it felt like one. But I’m getting off topic.)

The gist of things is that it looks like my story will be growing and developing and I have high hopes for it. But–I have a long way to go and I figured I could ask for the love and support of you guys, my readers. This entails me asking for help when I get writer’s block or questions pertaining to my book that Google can’t answer (heaven forbid.) I may not even need you guys, but if I have your support, then I can be guilted into writing when I don’t want to or don’t feel like it. So what say you, my troops? Are you with me?

(Pause in hopes of a heartening cheer…and the cheering would be good right about now.)

Seeing as you all are here, you may even get…*gasp*…spoilers.

Of course you don’t know what the story’s about. And I don’t wanna give too much away because if I do then it can:

A) Be plagerized

B) Become useless to read the book if I ever get somewhere with it.

C) …I had a C I think, but I really don’t remember it right now.

SO! Final request for you all.

If you want to give me some advice, offer encouragement, or just say something (it doesn’t have to be relevant) then COMMENT! You have no idea how happy it makes me to see that people are reading this and responding to it. Seriously. It makes me really happy.

Wish me luck on my book and on kicking this cold to the curb!


PS: Your funfact was the novella thing. I’ve written 2 novellas. Wasn’t that a FUN fact? (Probably not, but you can deal.)

PSS: My story/book is a fantasy piece about a girl who finds out that she’s a fairy. It’s more complex than that, but I don’t wanna give away the plot.