The (Mis) Adventures of Life as We Know It

The (mis)adventures of a college student and her crazy family and friends.

*Massive Explosion of Excitement* November 30, 2010


The goal of NaNoWriMo is to write a 50,000-word (or more) novel in a month. I’m currently at 50,215 which means I WON. (If you hit 50,000 words, you are a winner.)

My story isn’t done. Not even close. But the point is that I started out as a panicked college student, wondering where I would find the time and ideas and inspiration and drive. This was all about 29 days ago. And here I am now, a successful Wrimo, a novel well on the way.

‘We Are the Champions’ by Queen has been playing on my youtube for about…oh…half an hour now? It feels like victory. My facebook status has no spaces and is in all caps except for the bit that says ” *screams of joy* ”

This, readers of my blog, is victory. (I would say that this is Sparta…but I am riding a writer’s high that tells me that Sparta isn’t nearly as cool as what I’ve accomplished.) (Give my ego a day or so, I swear I’ll be back to normal soon.)

The current title of the novel is ‘Fayte.’  Keep an eye out for it on shelves….if ever….in about two years. Because I still have to keep writing and then there’s editing and revising and finding a publisher and blah blah blah. But if I finish it fully, I’ll be sure to tell you all.

Well, it’s 1 AM and the adrenaline rush is finally wearing off, so I’ll talk to you all later.

Best wishes!

(EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)



Psych Experiments, Sleep, My Roommate, and the Importance of November November 1, 2010

Hello all!

I know, it’s been a while. Nothing exciting has really happened recently.

(My feis trip was fun, but there’s not much you can say about watching an irish dance competition. It was cool, there were a LOT of curly wigs and shiny dresses, and the musicians were either fiddlers or played the accordion. Also, I saw swans.)

My first order of business is to relay yet another (mis)adventure of mine that occurred this past Thursday.

I had a Psych experiment that was a mock-jury. So fifteen minutes before it occurred, my phone gave me a reminder alarm. Confidently, I walked all the way across campus. As I arrived, I was maybe two minutes late, but glad that I had gotten there. I opened up the door to the building and wandered about. I didn’t remember the room number, but the building was really small so I assumed that I could use common sense to find it. Wrong. After trying every door, I realized that I had probably made some sort of mistake. So I called my roommate, whom looked up on my computer where I was supposed to be. It was a building I was pretty certain I had never heard of. I attempted to call the building, but all I got was the answering machine of the department head. Unhelpful? Why yes. It was. Extremely.

Using my handy-dandy…campus map! I located the building. Only having a vague sort of idea where it was, I wandered towards it, knowing by this point that I would be late. I had to show up anyhow. It was run by grad students, who are people too. If nothing else, maybe I could start late. I wandered, trying to work out where I was going on the way. The clock tower bell rang. Half an hour late. I pressed on. It was hot. The humidity level was outrageously high. I was sweating all over my t-shirt and the blue jeans I had put on that morning, when the weather had been bearable. I arrived at the correct building, after consulting a random student whom I came upon. After walking back and forth a bit, I determined what floor the room was on. So I took the elevator and strode into the room, saying something along the lines of,

“Man, you guys have no idea what I just went through to get here. I went to the wrong building, and then got lost and…ugh.”

One of the grad students went into the hall and talked to me. I couldn’t participate, but since I did show up, I wouldn’t be marked off for it, like I would have if I had just given up. (Look kids! Perseverance!) So yay for me.

On sleep, I’ve been staying up later and later. And today I got to bed around 3 AM and then woke up this afternoon around 4. After staying up for a Harry Potter lock-in where we watched all 6 movies and I slept so badly, I might as well have not slept at all, and then the cruddy sleep I’ve been getting all week, I suppose my body was catching up. And I intend to head off by about midnight tonight. So woots and giggles for me.

(I realize that this is choppy, but there are a few things I’d like to say and they’re not really related.)

Now! On to my roommate! I know that we’re very different people, but I think we’ve finally hit our little space. We’re finally cool with each other, it seems. No, we’re not best buddies or anything. We don’t do things together. But I think I’m a pretty decent roommate. And apart from when she gets drunk and I feel uncomfortable about it, she doesn’t bother me either. So yet another yay! I’m learning to get along with someone who’s very different from me. Ain’t college grand?

And lastly, I want to talk about the big huge explosive fantastic thing I’m doing starting midnight tonight. It’s called NaNoWriMo. That stands for National Novel Writing Month.

Starting November 1 at 12:00 AM, the contest/worldwide movement starts. People all over band together and work on writing a novel by midnight on November 31st. A novel with 50,000 words. This is my first year doing NaNo, but I have friends doing it and this will be GREAT for me. I’ve already written about 48,600 words for my novel, but this month I set that aside and can use the outline that I’ve been developing to try to write out that novel. The words I’ve written already don’t count. In NaNo, the whole point is not to write a high-quality work. It’s to write A LOT. It’s to get everything out and write faster than your inner editor (mine’s dreadfully notorious) can tell you that your writing sucks. So in about an hour and forty-five minutes, I’m going to bed. But tomorrow….NaNo begins. If I want to keep up, that’s about 1600 words a day. So….wish me luck, everyone! It’s also a contest, but I’m doing this for me. Not for anyone else. 

  “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
 Howard Thurman


Onwards and upwards, everyone!!!

